Alan Turing’s “universal Turing machine” created in 1936 might be the essential invention of present computers. Afterward, John von Neumann had designed further developed self-replicating systems, which is well known as von Neumann Architecture, and the system is mostly similar to the present computers. In relation to such inventions, Cellular Automaton is formulated by von Neumann in 1940s. CA is composed of a regular grid of cells and simple rules which is related to time and neighbors of each cell. That is to say, the state of a cell at time t is determined by the state of its neighbors of the cell at time t-1. A cell has eight neighbors, and it means that the cell has 512 possible patterns at certain time. In CA, Conway’s Game of Life is well-known version the system, which is produced by John Horton Conway in 1970. The system has just three simple rules as following;
1: Any dead cell with exactly three neighbors comes to life
2: Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives, unchanged, to next generation.
3: Any live cell with fewer than two, or more than three live neighbors dies.
Concerned about such rules of the system, Conway’s Game of Life is associated with population ecological concept that a creature is not able to survive in a group with loneliness or overclouded.
At the present, not only Conway’s Game of Life, but also other several kinds of CA have been developed including Wolfram’s Rule 30, Cyclic Cellular Automaton, and so on. The followings are examples of CA.
Wolfram Rule 30
Spherical CA
Source from AD: Programming Culture Vol.76 Issue4 Symmetric Rabbits: Frank Buss
Source from AD: Collective Intelligence in Design Vol.76 Issue5
2 件のコメント:
So what do you think of ca's then? What are their potential uses in architecture?
Do you have an opinion about them?
Try and include a bit of your opinions in these posts and not just a dry description of what they are.
good to see these topics coming up though!
CA could be denoted as a time-related state under certain conditions. Also, it might be possible to think one of patterns at optional time, so I just imagine that we could choose several cells with some qualifications in order to determin or optimize its condition in terms of environment, structure, and so on. For example, patterns with cells at optional cordinates, and cells are under conditions which we dicided. It is quite imaginary opinion, but I feel that we can conbine CA to environmental design like what I said above. But there must be more other ways which better that that.